Episode 1: Interview with David Jones

In this podcast I interview David Jones a member of the US Army, master personal trainer, Nutritionist, and all-around great guy from Midwest. more at www.davidtoddmiller.com
In this podcast I interview David Jones a member of the US Army, master personal trainer, Nutritionist, and all-around great guy from Midwest. To reach out to David, email at [email protected] more at www.davidtoddmiller.com hello and welcome to the Davey Todd Miller podcast I’m your host David Todd Miller this podcast is about fitness nutrition having a positive mindset and how to optimize the human performance as well as human experience this podcast is also about developing a never-say die attitude living a life of positivity in fashion and most of all having hope I was going everybody so today we have on a special guest my great friend Dave Jones Dave and I went to Southeast Missouri State University together a shout out to everybody in the Midwest I’m on the East Coast right now but Dave is also a Midwest guy and he was my partner in crime with like group training had a lot of great experiences going through college with him and he is also a member of the Armed Forces military branch being the army and so we’re just gonna kind of talk a little bit today about fitness nutrition a little bit of how military played into kind of how he went about fitness and he got ready for everything so we’re just gonna kind of start at square one you know Dave where were you born and and kind of you know go from that into the military if you would Krypton Arkansas and during the military – 17 I started 11 years in the military I immediately saw the benefits of staying in shape while I was going through my trained military stress is important to physical fitness especially in dire life-threatening synonyms for example you buddy goes down and you have to drag him or her to safety but you’re either too winded or he just lacked the strength to even just move him because most time you’re carrying a lot of gear and they’re really gotten to like strength training and lying to train other soldiers ok so just from like a practical standpoint yeah yeah I mean that was very um I was right off the bat you know that that was a very important thing to realize and some soldiers don’t pick up on it as soon or take it as serious you know especially gunner soldiers yeah I mean yeah sure as most people you know I have to encounter that kind of scenario in their lives not usually but it would be nice to have the ability to physically overcome that kind of obstacle like you’re faced with you I mean you guys carry quite a bit of gear too right you have how much gear do you think you’re carrying oh man sometimes I mean I’ve carried anywhere between 60 to you know 80 pounds of stuff if you count like body armor and helmets in your boots your uniform the weapon your ammo your vest plus a lot of times you’re carrying the like if you drag somebody you’re dragging them and whatever they’re wearing to him so you just actually got to carry your own body weight their body weight plus roughly an average of a buck 40 yen man that’s a lot what and you know you might use their train to help you you know you might be able to slide your buddy on gravel which will move a lot easier but then if you’re in mud you’re hardly ever not going to get much traction so I’ve dealt with a lot of different terrain and really need to have that strength sure wouldn’t you know we’d likely bet situation you get the adrenaline and going but it’s very important be able to do it I hadn’t even thought it was like the you know being on in any kind of like mud or gravel or anything like that you you know you’re moving a lot of weight but rolls nice solid ground and good to go yeah yeah I’ve done I’ve done some exhausting training scenarios in mud where you’re doing like a litter an Aiden litter where you got full of people caring you know so much average of 200 to 240 pounds for maybe like a mile I mean yeah that might be a little extreme and maybe you know unrealistic in most scenarios but just it has happened over in combat where they’ve been carrying distances gotta gotta get out to the safe zone for the helicopter right get to that the LZ right yep so just from the physical life-threatening situation on training training helps out and the alive or death situation so when when you were training for that what kind of were you doing more Olympic lifting or like a CrossFit style or just kind of old-school bodybuilding so I usually take a multi I guess faceted approach we’re you know you’re definitely the running and sprints you sometimes you got to run up there and click and I guess use that energy pathway to to get the job done and then sometimes when you got the long distances you’re gonna have that too so really good mix short sprint training plus the you know long endurance training there’s not really one one size fits all but it did do a lot of sea endurance training for martyrs like higher rep squats deadlifts just build a little mass and gives you kind of prepared to like just losing the large amount of weights in general so would when you would do that kind of training did you adjust your nutrition I know in the military they you got like the MREs but did they kind of let you have a little leeway or did they say this is what you got to eat and you know that may be enough fuel for you or may not yeah so like when you’re training a lot of times you are limited to what they provide from a military standpoint they provide you everything that you need but from educational back you know background standpoint I guess you just got to make try to make the best decisions with what options you have and instead of going for those really sweet stuff that may be available maybe you can treat some of the junk food that comes in them RV for some more you know healthier options there’s always going to be soldiers that you know they they want the sweet junk food or whatever and they’ll gladly trade you yeah and if that’s an option then take advantage of it you know it’s not really helping them out but honestly they think you can get a hold of they’re going to do whatever then you’re gonna get from somewhere so in the food that you had do you feel like it gave you enough energy to do what you’re doing or do you feel constantly hungry or you’re just like throwing up backI’ve been looking back on I felt like it’s quite a bit are quite often not satisfied with the amount of food or if you may have enough food or in the MRE for that particular training day but sometimes you’re just limited on time and you just pick pick and choose what provides the most amount of calories in the shortest amount of time you know stuff that’s easier to eat or we forego warming it up with the water heater lever and seating stuff cold and that way you can get you have more time to get more to intake move more calories gotcha I remember a while back you saying something that don’t mean to the fact that you were burned just so many calories that it felt like you’re just always hungry you know and you’re how much do you think you’re burning a day uh again it goes to depend on what you’re doing and I mean if you if you start off on the five o’clock regiment you know say you start the day off with a mandatory to the full model run then you immediately start doing you know tactical training entering clearing rooms and maybe you switch to more live scenarios where you know you’re can bombard with dummy grenades and you have to go to assault buildings and these compounds I mean some of these rates and stuff can take you know two three hours on your day and then you know specially if you gotta do say the land navigation to get there so you’re just walking and running like so yeah a whole day I mean I think could add you know several thousand calories no problem that’s why I’ve eaten you know three thousand calories before just still feel like I’m starting nothing to the day and and all that training you’re still working that 70 pounds of gear – right yeah yeah most um you’re still wearing you know your armor no because if you don’t wear it then you’re not getting conditioned to carry it so after a while you you feel more or less just kind of like a heavy coat or yeah it’s still kind of notice it yeah actually it does become quite comfortable when you when you start wearing it all the time I mean another buddy looks at it that way but you do definitely adjust for it I’m sure you’re gonna get aches and pains when you first start just because that extra load that you’re carrying but you do just – and becomes like kind of second nature and you can start jogging with it and so pretty common yeah okay I can see that so how would you say your your exercise and nutrition has changed outside of the military I know you know back when we were in college you’re still in in great shape definitely aerobic lee and in a few times we’ve talked about strength training you said you were you know I forget the multiple but it was pretty impressive from your body weight it’s like a like a 1.5 or a – oh are you for referring to like maybe a specific lift or say like a bench press I think so like pound pound pound you were really strong yeah back then I was around 150 of 155 and bench was up to 260 I think that’s a point six seven times my body weight pretty good ratio yeah cuz I was also doing a lot of endurance training too for say military-wise hired two push-ups in two minutes I’m is pretty high standard while also meaning a high levels you know I guess power you know injure one rep max or two at max I’m maintaining that is very difficult and requires a significant amount of discipline and pretty good like nutrition based I would say sorry go ahead what now you can ask was it just when you say a lot of discipline was it just a lot of frequency a lot of upkeep you’re just knocking him out multiple times a day or at least every day or what was kind of your training for both the 1.67 and the push-ups um so so yeah the records there they were actually held consistently or together the the 102 pushups in two minutes and the bench press with both around the same period of time and the training approach that I took was twice a week you know working on those the target muscles for those exercises and just getting a good mix ofsay you got you start off with your standard bench press and then income and income and pretty standard way of training for strength but then you also move to say dumbbells and high reps mixed in with the not heavier weights at the end of it I always do like a burn out and do you see a set of push-ups and then push-ups on my knees and then push up off a bench and sometimes I’ll even do push-ups off the longer I’m just can barely push myself aloft and just getting that good mix of training that went a long way I think a lot of discipline that people overlook is I trick us thing like overlook the amount of rest time required are you doing such a program so when I say to say to China week you’re not doing all those lifts on both of those days you can kind of mix and match and have a lot heavier day versus a lighter day the second day of the week on the on the heavier days how many reps are you shooting for is it more like a three or four and on the higher days are you shooting you know upwards of like thirty or fifty years it just kind of told you hit failure yeah so on the heavier days I always stuck around I don’t know maybe between four and eight because you also want that muscle growth in there too I think the research that I’ve done is the longer the wraps the less muscle group that you’ll get it from it so you’re just trying to just be well ground and Prabhu had that muscle group which will eventually turn into more strength so it’s trying to get a good balance there because of the requirement to move your own body weight when it comes to like doing push-ups and stuff like sue didn’t want to focus too heavily on like a one rep max but the strength came regardless and so it kind of looked into my favor so endurance when it comes to more than Durance I stuck I think anywhere between fifteen and twenty five on average for reps and then just burning yourself out at the very end okay I mean it’s very in you mean just like that last that yeah just Alessa maybe the last two for instance you know I’ve mentioned the push-ups and no no real target number at the very end just do as many pushups as you can then drop making ladies you’re kinda like a drop set doing a drop set um say dumbbell curls and just going from one say yeah thirty to twenty five to twenty eight to fifteen ten and Saturday figure done and then that that’s the last thing that you do and then call it quits okay how would you say your nutrition changed once you were able to just kind of have free-for-all you weren’t on the MREs er and put unquote Xiao ou nutrition as is I think it’s changed quite a bit over the years um I’ve always been very I guess aware of you know eating the right foods and then that’s kind of subjective too depends on who you talk to what but nutrition books in schools that you go to in general just avoid the sugar carbs that kind of thing is the probably the most helpful approach that I took was getting getting away from all this stuff that you’ve like okay I really don’t need this stuff that could make me lethargic and hold me back and eventually I got to promote we’re super strict and so far that even condiments like ketchup and barbecue sauce and that stuff that adds a little extra sugar I was just eliminating as much as I could and it really started making me feel better and just just overall more energetic but then again you have to compensate those calories that you losing from stuff that you typically would eat you just start uh having to start eating more of the raw foods and stuff to kind of get those calories back but more well in Game one of a positive result from that so yeah it it’s not something that you can do overnight especially with a Western diet you know you grow up on you know and I’m all feeding your chicken and dumplings or fried food whatever it in so you get custom in this you know these bad foods they’re speed you’re like I’d say just do not connect took cold turkey overnight because a lot of times those tights them too they don’t stick with you so I’ll say took about a year to have this overall nutritional overhaul I guess huge change okay and how so are you going like no Carver’s it just like cutting out the sugar but you’re still having like sweet potatoes oatmeal that kind of thing yeah exactly I’m just knowing not like the way it’s usually trained and I have some Austrian it’s like the whole restricted highly restricted diet doesn’t generally work for the average you know person I guess you know nine to five work or you know it doesn’t work and every single day doesn’t do competition replaceable words you know just for a typical American you know if you will that kind of approach doesn’t really work the best because people um and there is you know they want to have some kind of happiness in their life and a lot of times they rely on food so cutting out all carbs well it’s not really the right answer but again I think you’re mentioning oatmeal and stuff like that as a fruits and vegetables you know it’s better way looking at carbs instead of saying all carbs are bad with saying sugars I’ve tried a huge any diet probably like five or six times and initially I I feel pretty good mentally but then my performance will go down and there’s you know they always say that there’s like the data type adaptation phase for the for the you your body around fat more or less and I’ve never really been able to get to a point where I can keep that high intensity and which makes sense you know you’re running off of glucose during that time so I’m I’ve kind of gotten to the point where I think almost like a targeted ketogenic diet is really good just have a little bit of carbs right before your workout assuming you’re doing a high-intensity and not just kinda like you know walking on the treadmill or going for a jog outside and then the rest of the day just kind of having like you know a good amount of protein probably too much for a true ketogenic diet but uh keeping the carbohydrates low and what I’ve done that I’ve had pretty good mental clarity you know no large fluctuations and energy and that kind of thing and I think when when people are wanting to you know can I have that that you know food as either like a recreational or social or just kind of a pick-me-up carbohydrates are definitely one of those you know going to like it’ll elicit serotonin that’ll make you feel good mm-hm so I’ve I’ve kind of I’ve tried to dabble and find alternatives that are you know lower calorie because I usually that hurts most people is that they the ones that taste the best are usually the worst for you because it has a lot of sugar a lot of those calories and usually it’s a mixture of eating yeah it’s just really palpable it tastes really good and so it’s easy to eat a lot of it and so I I feel like there’s there’s things out there you know like fruit fruits a great alternative it’s you know I remember coming across and reading that it’s like nature’s candy and especially if you uh you know you can make like a shake out of you know just simply like a banana or ice cream Chicago I was thinking you can get a banana maybe a some nonfat and nonfat milk or like some almond milk coconut milk and made like a super chocolate protein pattern and you’ve got you know chocolate banana ice cream that’s more or less tastes very similar to what you might eat and have eaten four or five hundred calories with and this might only be like you know 150 200 I actually actually starting to do that with my daughter I have a seven-year-old daughter that I’m trying to get into more of a nutrition mindset you know it’s not harming the child but as I just like hey do you want to make some homemade ice cream so really all I did was two frozen bananas a little bit of vanilla and that was enough that was enough and ransom yeah I think it’s the texture that through a child they kind of were like that you know nice cream texture so she was much more happy with it mixed up like there than eating the banana BOTS oh yeah so start them off young you know I think that’s the best approach but yeah definitely finding ways to get memories this sweet sweet tooth cravings with fruit and everybody goes and you know grabbing the snicker me crazy like that yeah and the other you know the other thing that all and it’s like a natural sweetener like a whole earth or a Truvia or just straight stevia and and that’s usually enough sweetness that it you know whatever I once had yeah it would have satisfied whatever I would have had that was just straight sugar ask you to make a transition here okay kind of get your opinion on so I’ve been reading a little bit about cooking raw vegetables and I’ve been wanting it you know just get more up to par with cooking and trying to figure out like the science behind it but I’ve done a lot of reading about cooking that there’s some do you know like cooking some vegetables you know it destroys vitamin C but it’s plentiful most diets are it’s really not a huge issue but when say cooking Tomatoes it actually boosts the amount lycopene and the reason why couldn’t some vegetable is better for you is because the cell loss on the vegetables they break down these thick walls and AIDS and nutrient absorption in the body say for instance foods to consider maybe take care it’s spinach mushrooms cabbage pumpkins definitely asparagus peppers and there’s several others that you can consider but just whatever your thoughts are all right you know I for a long time I just ate straight raw vegetables I thought you know this is this is how it’s always been this is how you know mr. caveman would have done it and you know I’ve always tried to take the approach that what would have our ancestors and our our bodies you know because we really haven’t evolved a lot since that era and so I always have tried to keep it more or less like that but taking into account the the science and so I started doing a lot more cooking on my vegetables as well I still need to look into like you know the microwave debate but as far as I’ve I’ve read and heard it’s not that big a deal so I’ll actually microwave a lot of my vegetables just the point that they’re kind of like a bright green you know for example if it’s broccoli and for the same reason to break down that cell wall for better absorption but I’ve also read kind of like what you said as well that you don’t want to a certain vegetable so it’s kind of almost like which is kind of annoying that you can’t it’s not just a one you know one fix all you can’t just nukem a nuke everything vegetable wire comes into the scientific approach it might be a little more than some people willing to put effort into but if you really want to fine-tune the diet I mean it’s definitely something we want to consider how you’re cooking the vegetable but there are a reference here so according to like let’s see Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry states stated that boiling is the best way to preserve the antioxidant and still cook them I mean I could see that a lot of people conclude to dying Borland was a steaming but according to this journal they were saying boiling which is contradictory to some other research articles like the red so it’s kind of a difficult it’s it’s like a grey zone and and there’s some people who say you know you you want to boil it you want to make sure you do it this way and other people like no no don’t do that so it’s it’s confusing and I’ve you know I’ll if I boil my vegetables what I’ll do is be good and I think this is kind of what they might might have been referring to or maybe saying indirectly is that like if you boil the vegetables that especially if you do it to a certain extent you’re gonna you’re gonna overdo it right so that’s one thing you definitely want to do is overcook it but it’ll start to no because you’re breaking down the cell wall it’ll start to leach out into the water right and so what I thought was heck well I don’t think anything’s gonna be evaporating unless it’s just you know water vapor and steam but I could definitely see maybe I overcooked a little bit of her or maybe even if it’s not overcooked maybe something is kind of leeching out into the water and so what I’ll do is you’ll let everything cool off I’ll take the vegetables eat it but I’ll actually take the the water that I cooked it in and put it in a cup and neither just drink it straight or you know mix it in with like a decaf green tea or something like that and to try and make like a you know like an Ironman kind of super super green drink yeah that’s a great idea you can even my your Mable take it another step and maybe make soup or something else on it – definitely that’s that’s definitely a good approach to take just with everything everything in moderation even just the cooking temperature and stuff like that some people like their stuff super soft but I mean or what’s the point eating if you’re not going to get the health benefit from so maybe just having a slight crunch yeah you know just kind of stopping that whatever method you use just you know just be aware that there is a certain point that you need to stop cooking that to retain all those nutrients my my favorite way is you know pan heat it sounds bad to say but like pan searing it put it in with a little bit of like coconut oil and and just put in the pan almost to the point that it starts to get like a little bit of gold to it and you know I don’t know for sure I hadn’t looked it up but I I would think that’s starting to damage the cell to the point that maybe I’m losing nutrition at that point especially if you burn it I mean that that one’s definitely tasting the best and you know if someone were to come to me and say hey I want you know I I don’t really mind vegetables but like I just I want it softer I’d probably tell them hey cook it and then just put it in a blender and then you can just kind of almost use it as like maybe a sauce or something like that you have to have a pretty good blender but that way you can kind of get that that more bushiness to it it’ll be a little bit easier to get down and it depends on the vegetable you know like cucumbers I got a couple so I trained that they’ll say you know I really like having like you know French fries or something like that and it’s like you know you can’t have you can’t have french fries if you’re it a lot for the calories but it’s not the best it’s not the most optimal way to go so you want to go you know have like cucumbers or something like that sly some real thin and and bake it and that point it’s you know nice and crispy you’ve kind of made like a dehydrator or like a air fryer haven’t tried that but I think that would work pretty good put in like an air fryer and put just like a little bit of like sea salt on it and you have like a essentially a potato chip if you want to slice a real thing yeah like that right satisfy that I think that mental remembers yeah exactly that’s actually pretty good idea too one thing that I’ve done I’ve trained oh man I’ve had over 300 you know first assessments with seven you know with clients and almost every one of them you know I kind of step back here you’re covered stuff like basic movements squat and kind of similar deadlift type movements and then always spend a few minutes on nutrition and most people who they don’t have anywhere no idea where to start and they just think it’s overwhelming but when the try to simplify my training with my clients in the beginning is like hey whatever can get them started go go with it and then continue to build on that so if they prefer when a cooking method or another but it gets him started on vegetables by all means a serious seared a little bit and then maybe try to transition down the road to more you know boiling or steaming methods just get them started and get them interested in you know eating healthier foods and then try to make a transition later on on sort of overwhelming them with all these specific steps nothing hey I think that’s a really good point and I you know the they always they say the the best diet is the one that you can stick to because there’s you know there there’s so many out there that it can it can be overwhelming and it can be it can be discouraging for sure like okay you know dr. so-and-so said that this diet was gonna be you know the cure-all for you know losing weight or feeling better and you try it and it just doesn’t go the way that you want it to yeah and so I think you know just like everybody is different from another person unless they’re a twin you know at least from a genetic standpoint of you know taste preference and whatnot and how food affects energy and mood and whatnot that it’s it’s very individual and so you kind of have to tinker around you you know you can kind of set guidelines and parameters you want to stick with something that’s really nutrient dense that is going to provide and if it’s a vegetable or a carbohydrate a good amount of fiber with it that hasn’t been processed so it doesn’t have any added chemicals like margarine or any of those like partially employ hydrogenated oils and so I think you know kind of go into like a nutrition foundation is just to have plenty of plenty of variety nutrient-dense and and I think that’s you’re good to go from there make sure you get enough protein throughout the day and then gradually find out what makes you feel the best and also results in the best decrease for health risk you know if you try if you’re eating one way for three months and you do a blood test and you come back and you have you know your your blood lipid panels are real bad and then you try another one that you feel equally as good on and and your health markers are much improved then and that’s the better diet for you yeah so it’s just good to know you mentioned the mood factor and I think that’s quite a bit quite often overlooked actually I have a friend that’s into as a dietitian and goes to a school like say metaphysics and then they use you know mind body and spirit kind of thing and her approach that she uses a lot of times is like yes definitely try to take the scientific and nutritional value out of things but also kind of like listen to your body and just focus on how you feel that day or the next day after eating something and from from that awareness she’s she’s been able to not necessarily self diagnose but pinpoint errors in her diet it you should meet saying yogurt you know a lot of times you over you know it’s really good for somebody but after after taking them I don’t like notes of our diets making her feel she wouldn’t get additional tests and come to find out she has a her body is against taking yogurt and so let’s just start being aware of where you’re meeting and can I keep track from a little bit see Anna makes you feel thank you name was she lactose intolerant or is it yogurt specifically I think it was yogurt specifically yeah I think um I don’t know if it’s the bacteria in it or not but it was you say cheese that’s interesting I wonder no wonder how shooter respond she had like kefir or something like that that had probiotics as well and in the back yeah I’m not sure but it’s a it’s definitely an interesting approach and I do know that it’s been such a long time since I you know I my whole idea like G day ends up being a win cheat meal and then cheat meal now this I don’t know see I would consider it a bowl of cereal a dessert like a cheap dessert you know I said it’s not even anything it does the extreme now but say the last time I’ve eaten say I don’t boneless wings or something it just makes me feel crap it’s not it’s just you have this in your body and I realize the effects of foods gonna have on it it’s kind of hard to do if that’s all you eat a lot of time but if you start eating clean and then introduce new things it’s a good food versus a bathroom anybody little definitely moves changes and you’re you’re better than me Dave I’ll I’ll go usually is only maybe once a month or once every two months but I’ll go and I’ll have like an epic cheap you know just be one meal I’ll try to do it like early in the day sometimes it’s set at night but like I’ll knock out like a pizza and a half or like a restaurant and just clear clear the place but I you know I definitely feel it the next day as well I’ll you know I’ll feel it an hour later you see like usually III don’t know if it’s just peels it’s the amount of food that I’m eating but I suspect this the amount of food but also how sections yeah just about it you know inflammation and what not like and you know if I have a you know I love Papa John’s Pizza but you know like I said on maybe have it once a month because I know I’ll wake up the next day and it looks like someone just socked me in the face man what the what the heck happened and I you know it’s probably a lot of a lot of things that you get a restaurant or something like that has a lot of salt just packed full of salt and the table salt that you have nowadays has aluminum in it and that caused a lot of inflammation in the body so you’re kind of giving a one-two punch with inflammation and and so I’ll wake up you know it looks like a mr. Potato face and you know it probably takes a day or two to kind of feel back to normal Energy’s Energy’s down even though I just said all these calories and you know kind of on the flip side of the coin is you know every now and then I’ll do usually on those days following I’ll just do a 24-hour fast to say okay well I’ll do feast famine because I’ve seen a lot of benefits for you know cardiovascular health you know dropping or decreasing the risk for heart disease or cardiovascular disease by 20 I think I saw one study that was 25% just doing that once a month I was like okay well you know that that can be kind of my routine that way I can kind of have you know why my cake and eat it too no pun intended I’m Matt and so I’ll kind of do that I’ll kind of do a feast famine where you know I’ll eat a ton in the next 24 hours I’ll just I’ll just have water maybe a little bit of coffee or something like that and I think recently the longest that I went I was just trying to see how it was going how far I could push it and I got to about 42 hours without having anything to eat night you know for the most part I felt pretty good it was almost kind of weird I you know I had done it before I got to 29 hours or so and after about like 18 hours I really just didn’t feel hungry which was which was weird it was almost the longer I went fasting my my body just kind of got used to it and at that 42 hours I still really wasn’t that hungry I was just like I know I I know I should eat something you know kind of for especially for you know protein goes on not bringing in amino acids and that kind of thing but now were you retraining during this read reading kind of like exercise program where you’re just doing these on like so you’re doing her off time the for all kind of backtrack a little bit there is I was getting ready for a photo shoot and I was doing I did a 24-hour fast like three days in a row I would wake up train real hard and then probably about an hour to later have just a huge meal and same thing you know I wouldn’t eat the rest of the day go to bed wake up train eat and I did that for about three days in a row and energy level wasn’t as good but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and then the 29 hour fast worked out and I could feel it I tried it out a light day and just did not go in my favor and then the the holy the 42 hour one I I did a workout I think is a like a upper body and just kind of a little bit slower pace metabolic circuit and it went pretty well I mean I would say like 8090 percent performance but the second day I I wasn’t feelin I was not feeling up to a workout and just kind of went about my day still had decent energy level for you know talking or training clients or walking around the city and whatnot but it wasn’t anything it wasn’t enough energy that I felt like if I were to try another workout it would be beneficial so I just rest on that same day now far is your water intake did that change during this period or did you did you kind of rely on that maybe satisfy a little bit I mean kind of approach did you take going into I thought well you know if I get hungry I’m just gonna juggle a lot of water but it actually was kind of the opposite I had to really force myself especially the longer that went on to have fluids because I just I wasn’t thirsty either which was which was kind of odd but yeah I mean I I made sure I had enough water so probably having a bat the same that I would normally have probably close to a gallon or maybe a little bit less a day but it was it wasn’t like when I was eating where I’d be like oh man I’m so thirsty I got to get a cup of water even during the workout so I don’t know really that was just kind of a personal thing or that’s calming or what but that was kind of my it has to owner has to do with you know what you know still intake wires so a digestion process that uses energy maybe it’s true you know do you think it’s a body’s natural way of saying kind of maybe a deterrent to kind of save your energy because of the lack of food or something possibly and then I kind of wonder I you know I I follow this other guy Thomas to allow her on a on YouTube he’s you know the what he talks about is is pretty good detail based on science and you know disclaimer off of his disclaimers like you you don’t want to do this and it’s really only done under clinical scenarios but he was talking about dry fasting where you will actually break down body fat because you’re getting hydrogen I believe hydrogen molecules or atoms and it’s combining with the oxygen that you’re breathing and it’s making water and supposed to be like the most pure water that you can have in your body so I kind of wonder if later on that that’s what started happening if maybe I was having a reaction where the that that was being broken down to the point that it was combining with the air that was breathing and making water and for that reason I just didn’t have as much or maybe it was had nothing to do with that and it was just you know because I wasn’t eating maybe I wasn’t bringing enough salt in that it wasn’t stimulating somewhere in the brain to say hey you need to drink some water but I recognized that and and just made a point of consuming some throughout the day yeah that’s just definitely an interesting I’d never heard that because I’m very much into me and hydrate the army missus hydrator guy it’s it’s a big one yeah yeah so I definitely you said you know disclaimer here you know make sure other physicians can come definitely not recommended – yeah anything that forces a dehydrating or anything like that it’s harmless I’m not that’s unfortunate yeah definitely not recommended but maybe just kind of a theorizing out loud that maybe that’s why I wasn’t as thirsty but I would I would just suspect more on the side of just because I wasn’t having food that my body didn’t need as much fluid maybe break it down or digest it or transport the the nutrients you know all those kind of reasons yeah definitely gives you kind of you know it’s food for thought you know as to how amazing the body is and what it does to get ribs some very very resourceful and absolutely all right sounds good this is a good time there’s a it’s good to cover these things I’m definitely forward to next time we can chitchat likewise so thanks once again to Dave Jones also thanks to natural machine nutrition who sponsored this podcast today if you guys are interested in natural products such as whey protein powder go ahead and check them out at natural machine nutrition comm and if you guys have any questions to me or possibly to David himself I can definitely make sure that he gets the question but feel free to reach out at info at David Todd Miller comm and I’ll be happy to do what I can also if there’s a specific podcast or person that you would like me to interview go ahead and send that as well we’ll do as much as I can and we got more on the way for sure so stay tuned until next time and until then have fun enjoy every moment of life go out there live your passion and most of all have hope this is David Miller out