Wa-Bam! Welcome to day 3 of our 5-part workout series.

Lower Body Day! This can be a challenging day, but it will literally give you a foundation to stand on and build upon.

Working the legs can be downright brutal at times. But, it’s totally worth it to fight the good fight!

Working the lower body is going to burn more calories compared to our other resistance training days, simply because of the sheer amount of tissue we are working for the exercises (it’s half the body all at once!). This will help us improve body composition, improve both our cardiovascular system and respiratory system; as we are sending blood and oxygen to the muscles in the legs, furtherest from the heart and lungs.

Today is arguably the hardest workout of the week. Knock this out and everything else will be that much easier both in and outside the gym. You got this! See you in the workout and again tomorrow for day 4, Fat-burning recovery cardio!


Exercise 1: Squats – 3 sets of 10 reps {60-90s Rest}

Exercise 2: Lunges – 3 sets of 8-10 reps each leg {60-90s Rest}

Exercise 3: Deadlifts – 3 sets of 12 reps {60-90s Rest}

Exercise 4: Stiff-Legged Deadlift/leg curl – 3 sets of 12 reps {60-90s Rest}

Exercise 5: Leg Extension – 3 (5) sets of 10-20 reps {60-90 (120s)s Rest}

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